Remington Dog Park Rules
Welcome to Remington Dog Park. This park gives dogs a healthy and safe environment for leash-free socialization and exercise. Please help us keep it that way by following these rules:
Dogs that bark persistently must be removed.
- All dogs must wear a current license and up-to-date vaccinations.
- Any dogs…including unneutered dogs…that incite fighting must be removed.
- Female dogs in heat are not allowed.
- Aggressive animals are prohibited.
- There is a limit of 3 dogs per person (Sausalito MC 6.04.165).
- Children must be with an adult and are admitted at your own risk.
- No unattended dogs. They will be impounded.
- No unruly or aggressive dogs are allowed.
- No climbing or jumping fences.
- Food is discouraged. If your food causes problems, please remove it
No Smoking (Sausalito MC 12.28.14).